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Forget Obamacare. Why grandma and grandpa will save healthcare

A colleague's comment some 15 years ago sparked Dr. Tim Garson's grand idea for a way to expand access to affordable healthcare while lowering costs to the system. “He came up to me and said, you know, 50 percent of my patients could be taken care of by a good grandmother,” recalled Garson, now the director of the Center for Health Policy at University of Virginia.

Devices & Diagnostics

What doctors can learn from Malcolm Gladwell

If blogger Dr. Kevin Pho had his way, more doctors would be like Malcolm Gladwell, author of (most recently)  David and Goliath. Why? “We need more storytellers,” Pho writes. If doctors and the healthcare industry were better at communicating, I’m inclined to agree. In a past life, I taught engineers, pharmacy students and budding young […]

Devices & Diagnostics

3-D St. Jude Medical launches technology that gives docs real-time, 360-degree view of arteries

St. Jude Medical  (STJ) announced FDA approval of its  ILUMIEN  OPTIS  PCI Optimization  System, and the product’s U.S. launch. The device gives physicians a real-time, 360-degree panoramic view of the arteries, to help with stent placement and to guide treatment for patients with coronary artery disease. But what’s the true value proposition between this new […]

Health IT

Want to reduce readmissions? Hire more nurses, study says

Reducing re-admissions is practically a cottage industry. With hospitals facing penalties for higher than average rates of readmission for certain conditions, health IT companies and entrepreneurs have responded with an array of analytical and remote monitoring  tools. They can range from identifying patients at risk for readmission to alerting staff to patients who appear to […]